Aryan Khanna


In anticipation of an opportunity providing intellectually challenging work in the field of computers for providing and enriching my knowledge and skills.

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Intern at Visa Inc.(May-July 2019)

  • Implemented a distributed caching mechanism by using Hazelcast IMDG and Redis to improve user experience by reducing the data retrieval time from the traditional SQL Database to almost five folds. Implemented solution as a service rather than being a part of the infrastructure.
  • Created a bunch of REST APIs to populate the cache and utility APIs to get insights into the memory consumption and cluster details.
  • Created a generic framework which will help the developers to try any caching solution for any use case by changing minimal amount of existing code.
  • Language - C# Technologies - Hazelcast IMDG, Redis, .Net Core.


Areas Of Interest

  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Android Development
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Object Oriented Programming


C, C++, Java, C#